Lenscratch Feature

My work was featured on Lenscratch as part of McNair Evans’ California contribution to The States Project, where a photographer is asked to guest curate work of those sharing a similar zip code.

PDN Feature

Photo District News featured my work in Photography’s New Dimensions, an online and print article featuring photographic work by five photo-based artists who are pushing the boundaries of the traditional print.

Photography Is Magic

Aperture Foundation, New York, NY July 14-August 11 I’m excited to be part of this exhibition curated by Charlotte Cotton, who writes, “the photographic practices represented in the final selection for this year’s Summer Open are rich with vitality and deep curiosity...

Littoral Drift

San Francisco Camerawork December 10-February 6 & Memphis College of Art February 26–March 26 A solo exhibition of my work, this exhibition was reviewed in San Francisco by KQED and The San Francisco Chronicle. Additionally, The San Francisco Chronicle featured a...

Cyanotype: Photography’s Blue Period

Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA January 16-April 24 This is the first major U.S. Exhibition examining the rise, fall, and resurgence of the Cyanotype. Artists include: Anna Atkins, Henry Bosse, Annie Lopez, Hugh Scott-Douglas, Christian Marclay, Arthur Wesley Dow,...

FotoFest Biennial: Discoveries of the Meeting Place

Winter Street Studios, Houston, TX March 12-April 24 I’m thrilled that Karen Irvine, Associate Director, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, selected my work for the 2016 FotoFest Biennial Discoveries of the Meeting Place exhibition. The ten exhibiting...